C-Sections And The Family Cow: What Every Farmer Should Know This Emergency Procedure

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A new calf on the family farm or homestead is always a cause to celebrate, but when the birthing process goes awry, surgical intervention is often required in order to save the life of the cow and her calf. Unfortunately, operating on a cow is usually very different than veterinary surgical procedures performed on smaller animals, such as dogs or cats. This is because the sheer size of the animal. For example, a fully grown Holstein cow can weigh 1500 pounds or more, which can make it difficult or impossible to transport them to the animal hospital when an illness or injury occurs.…

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Are You A New Doctor? Here's How To Avoid Medical Record Lawsuits With EMR Software

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Becoming a doctor is an exciting process that often takes a person 10 or more years to finish. Unfortunately, improper procedures, such as poor medical record storage, can lead to lawsuits that may end your career. Here’s how you can avoid these problems by installing EMR software like ChartPerfect for your medical practice center. Confusion About Medical Records Is Problematic One issue that new doctors may not be prepared to handle is a fight with a patient over their medical records.…

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Exposure Hazard Prevention Tips For Compounding Pharmacy Employees

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If you’re preparing to go to work for a compounding pharmacy, you need to be prepared for the proper handling of medications. Sometimes the medications used in these environments can be hazardous, and improper handling could put you at risk of contamination and potential illness. Here are a few of the most common ways that people find themselves exposed to these medications and tips to help you prevent it. Skin Exposure…

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